July Update

In case you are a newcomer to an ISHRS World Congress, let me inform you that some lectures are dedicated to certain topics or to past luminaries in the field of hair restoration and who did important contributions to the Society.

The Founders Lecture will be given by Rodrigo Pirmez, MD, from Brazil. He will bring us updates on clinical therapies for male and female hair loss. Before his keynote presentation, Dr. Jeffrey Epstein will dedicate this lecture to Dr. Sheldon Kabaker, who recently passed away.

The Advances in Hair Biology Lecture will be presented by Pankaj Karande, PhD, who investigates tissue engineering. He will talk on how he has incorporated hair follicles in engineered skin using 3D bioprinting. Dr. Paco Jimenez, another keen investigator, will moderate this session.

Albert Carlotti, MD will be the Norwood Lecturer, presenting to us how artificial intelligence is becoming ingrained in cosmetic surgery. I’m sure he will astound us with comments on where AI will aid us in hair restoration. Dr. Sharon Keene will be moderator for this session.

The psychological effects of hair will be the subject of the Stough Lecture, presented by Kristina Gorbatenko-Roth, MD, and moderated by our President, Dr. Brad Wolf. We will extend this session with a panel on how to avoid potential psychological pitfalls in hair restoration, organized by Dr. Nilofer Farjo.

The scientific program is wrapped up, and letters of invitation are being sent out this week. Speakers and moderators are the core of the program. So I enthusiastically praise all of you for your hard work and dedication, and to sharing your clinical and surgical experience in hair restoration!

All the best, 

Henrique Radwanski, MD |Program Chair

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