Rodrigo Pirmez, MD – Founders Lecturer
Professor and Head of the Hair Clinic; Hospital Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Dr. Pirmez will speak on, Update on Clinical Therapies for Male and Female Pattern Baldness
Dr. Rodrigo Pirmez graduated in medicine and specialized in dermatology at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His interest in hair disorders began during his residency, motivating him to pursue fellowships at the University of Miami with Professor Antonella Tosti, the University of California San Francisco with Professor Vera Price, and the Centre Sabouraud – Hôpital Saint-Louis in Paris.
Dr. Pirmez works both in private practice and at the hospital. In both settings, he dedicates himself exclusively to patients with different types of alopecia and other scalp disorders. His main focus is on clinical trichology, and his publications cover both scarring and non-scarring alopecia. He is also a co-author of the book “Hair and Scalp Treatments,” which was originally published in English and later translated into Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Mandarin, and Turkish. Dr. Pirmez frequently speaks at national and international conferences.
Dr. Pirmez has a special interest in trichoscopy. He is one of the founding members of the International Trichoscopy Society (ITS), currently serving as its president. He will host the World Congress of Trichoscopy in 2026 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Additionally, Dr. Pirmez serves on the Scientific Program Committee of the American Hair Research Society and is a member of the European Hair Research Society.
The Founders Lecture this year will be given in honor of Dr. Sheldon Kabaker

Sheldon S. Kabaker, MD 1939-2023
Dr. Sheldon Kabaker was one of the Founding members of the ISHRS. As one of the ten original Board Members, he helped to shape the society into what it stands for today. A leader, a teacher, and a man of great surgical talent from whom many of us learnt about the hairline lowering technique with trichophytic closure. With his wife, Marcia, he travelled the world to join in our many meetings and social events.