Featured Speakers


Douglas Canfield – Featured Guest Speaker

President, Canfield Scientific, Parsippany, NJ, USA

Mr. Canfield will speak on, Quantitative Imaging for Hair Loss Driven by Artificial Intelligence

Albert Carlotti, MD, DDS, FAACS – Norwood Lecturer

Private Practice, Hass Plastic Surgery, Wellington, FL, USA

Dr. Carlotti will speak on, Artificial Intelligence in Cosmetic Surgery


gorbatenko roth kristinakiki

Kristina Gorbatenko-Roth, MD – Stough Lecturer

Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Stout, USA
Adjunct Professor, Department of Dermatology, University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, USA
Licensed Psychologist (Minnesota)

Dr. Gorbatenko-Roth will speak on, Psychological Effects of Hair Loss

Pankaj Karande, PhD – Advances in Hair Biology Lecturer

Associate Professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA

Dr. Karande will speak on, Incorporation of Hair Follicles in Engineered Skin Tissues Using 3D-Bioprinting



Rodrigo Pirmez, MD – Founders Lecturer

Professor and Head of the Hair Clinic; Hospital Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Dr. Pirmez will speak on, Update on Clinical Therapies for Male and Female Pattern Baldness

The Founders Lecture this year will be given in honor of Dr. Sheldon Kabaker

Sheldon S. Kabaker, MD | 1939-2023

dr.sheldon kabaker

Dr. Sheldon Kabaker was one of the Founding members of the ISHRS. As one of the ten original Board Members, he helped to shape the society into what it stands for today. A leader, a teacher, and a man of great surgical talent from whom many of us learnt about the hairline lowering technique with trichophytic closure. With his wife, Marcia, he travelled the world to join in our many meetings and social events.