May Update

As Chair of the 32nd Congress, it is challenging to have so many tasks. So, the trick is to have bright minds helping me out in the different sections of the Scientific Program.

The Organizing Committee has opened a ½ Day Course, on the afternoon of Wednesday 16, to be held in parallel to the Basic’s and Advanced Courses. A few topics came to mind, and we have settled on a theme that is quite relevant and timely to all surgeons interested in this fascinating subject: a 4-hour Course dedicated to Afro Hair Restoration, under the direction of Luis Nader.

The Live Patient Viewing is certain to be a high mark of the meeting. This session, which will occur on Saturday, is being organized by two very experienced colleagues: Dr. Sam Lam as chair, and Dr. Sanusi Umar as co-chair. In Sam’s words: “This year Sanusi and I are trying to find a very good diversity of cases that will be interesting and educational for those who are in attendance. If you have any interesting cases that you want to share, we encourage you to submit that to us.”

Finally, one more keynote speaker has been confirmed. Dr. Kristina Gorbatenko-Roth is a licensed psychologist, specializing in Psychodermatology. She is a board member of the Association for Psychocutaneous Medicine of North America, and an informal consultant to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation and Scarring Alopecia Foundation. We have asked her to speak on the Psychological Effects of Hair. In her talk, she will challenge our perception of what we can do to our patients: using anecdotal reports about hair transplants she questions why it may be hard(er) to see psychological benefits of hair restoration surgery.

All the best,

Henrique Radwanski, MD, Program Chair

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